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My Story

For many years I felt I had truly found my vocation in Education. I was passionate about developing and empowering others and loved being part of a profession that offered the opportunity to grow, be creative and make a difference to others.  Until one day, I realised I’d outgrown my job. 

As I rose up the ranks, I found myself staring at my computer, exhausted from endlessly firefighting issues and drafting timetables, assessing accreditation and I felt I was no longer having the impact I so longed to have. It was time for something new, but how terrifying was that as I was well into my 40's!

I began to study NLP, coaching and personal development for myself and began feeling increasingly frustrated at the limited opportunity I had to really have the impact I wanted in my current role.

‘I’m too old!’, ‘What if I fail?’ ‘I’ve never been in business!’

I was also terrified to make a change at that age – ‘I’m too old’, ‘what if I fail?’ ‘I’ve never been in business?’ I played safe and was stuck until I invested in coaching to sort out my own fears and find my courage. I had to see what was really stopping me, clear out my limiting beliefs that had kept me small and take action. I went from being TERRIFIED and paralysed to finding my inner leader, stepping into my personal power. 

I decided that no matter how painful my job was at that time, and how scary it was to leave security, what would hurt even more was the thought of what could have been. The thought that I could have had a work day I loved. I could have had a job I loved. A career I loved.

That's why I am passionate about helping others to have the clarity, confidence and road map to create the career and life they really want, whether it's your ideal job, a business on the side or going full-time as an entrepreneur.

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